Pink Jordan Almonds - Milk Chocolate 5lb

  • $44.99

Pink Jordan almonds are a must-have for weddings, baby showers and other important life events. This sweet snack has been celebrated as a great addition to parties and special gatherings. Everyone loves the gentle crunch and sweet flavor that comes with every oval piece.Our bulk Jordan almonds are an easy way to get larger quantities of single-color candies. Match them up with events and celebrations so everything blends well – right down to the table snacks and party favors! The original Jordan almonds were created in Ancient Rome.They were made using almonds that were covered in honey for festivals. While the ingredients and preparation methods have changed since then, today's version is just as festive and tasty! If you love nut candies, then our Jordan almonds will make a great at-home snack. Jordan almonds can also be used to decorate cakes, cookies and more! Prepare for any celebration with pink Jordan almonds!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3023890

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