Runts Candy - 10lb Bulk

  • $68.99

These sure are the "runt" of the litter. But in our candy terminology, that's not a bad thing at all! These amazing pint-sized Runts candies are a delicious fruity escape that every candy fan can love. In fruity shapes and flavors like banana, orange, lime, grape, and cherry, these little fruit candies have a hard candy shell and interior that you'll bite into with joy.If you're having a tropical themed party, these little fruits would be a great thematic and delicious choice. They're also great for beach parties, backyard BBQs, birthday celebrations, and just to keep around your kitchen to snack on when you need a sweet pick-me-up. Every order comes with 350 pieces per pound and in a five pound bag”so there's nothing small about the amount of deliciousness you're going to be able to enjoy for snack times to come. Get ready to say yum!

SKU: ND-661

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