Hershey's Kisses - Original 4lb Bag

  • $49.99

We can't lie. We're so sweet on these candies that they make us want to smother them with kisses. Oh no, we're making them blush. But it's because these adorable Hershey's Kisses in original silver foil wrapping are so classic and delicious, we can't resist! These classic candies have been around for decades and with their perfect poppable size, have made their way onto the top of the candy charts. Originating in Pennsylvania, Hershey's has been cooking up chocolatey and irresistible confections that the world has loved for years. And now with this five pound bulk bag, you can stock yourself up for a baking extravaganza, fill a birthday boy or girl's pinata, or even make a Valentine's Day treat even more memorable and special. We know that once you unwrap just one of these loveable Hershey's Kisses, you'll fall head over heels in love!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: ND-798

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