Hershey Kisses Milk Chocolate Red Silver & Green - 11oz bag

Hershey Kisses Milk Chocolate Red Silver & Green - 11oz bag
  • $4.99

Get in the Christmas spirit with Red, Silver and Green Milk Chocolate Hershey's Kisses. In red, green, and silver foil wrappers, these little dollops of melty milk chocolate will delight the eyes and the taste buds with all of their tasty holiday cheer.Unwrap a few of these Red, Silver and Green Milk Chocolate Hershey's Kisses and use them for classic holiday cookies like peanut butter kiss cookies. Keep them wrapped too to stuff into candy-bearing ornaments, holiday candy dishes, or to use on gingerbread houses for edible and thematic design elements. These Red, Silver and Green Milk Chocolate Hershey's Kisses are perfect to celebrate the cheerful holiday season and will make everyone happy when December rolls around.


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