Twix Peanut Butter Bars - 18ct

  • $35.99

Twix Peanut Butter Bars are the classic Twix candy, but with an added surprise: peanut butter! Inside the chocolate coating awaits a layer of peanut butter atop the caramel and cookie center.If it ain't broke, normally you shouldn't fix it, but for these Twix Peanut Butter Bars we're sure glad they added a layer of savory peanut butter to the original recipe! With this added flavor, these Twix Peanut Butter Bars are a perfect candy to use for a special occasion. Chop some up to sprinkle on top of cakes and desserts, use some in ice cream sundae bars, or enjoy them on their own because they're totally delicious that way too!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: ND-31536

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