Big Hunk Bars - 24ct Box

Big Hunk Bars - 24ct Box
  • $48.99

Big Hunk Peanut Bars bring old-fashioned flavor in a 24-count pack of 1.8 oz treats. Each bar features soft nougat infused with whole roasted peanuts.

  • Honey-sweetened for a unique, chewy texture.
  • 24 individually wrapped bars for easy sharing.
  • Low-fat, gluten-free, and proudly USA-made.
  • 230 calories of nostalgic candy bliss.

A fan favorite since the ‘50s, their iconic look and taste stand out. Grab these bars for a one-of-a-kind snacking experience!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: ND-7528

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