Jujubes - Movie-Size 12ct

Jujubes - Movie-Size 12ct
  • $26.99

Jujubes are a colorful treat that was originally made by Heide Candy Company. This unique confection features little cylinders of gummy goodness in brilliant hues.Sample red, green, yellow and many more! Jujubes look modern, but were actually introduced as early as the late 19th century. Unlike gummies, Jujubes are quite hard and are intended to be enjoyed much like a hard candy.Instead of chewing, try sucking on a piece so you can enjoy the flavor for longer! Our bulk Jujube assortment gives you many boxes of this one-of-a-kind fat free candy! Enjoy cherry, lime, orange and lemon in a whole new way.Our delicious Jujube candies are also a great choice for cake decorating. Build a gingerbread house, make unique cookies or bake a fabulous birthday cake with many vibrant details using yummy Jujubes! Our bulk theater candy boxes are also a great choice for snacking at home.

SKU: ND-25645

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