Huckleberry Salt Water Taffy - 2.5lb

  • $19.99

Surprise your guests with a tasty, sweet treat at your next event or special occasion when you include these Huckleberry Salt Water Taffy candies on the menu. One bite of these and you'll instantly be transported to a warm summer day at the beach, walking along the boardwalk while munching on sweet, chewy salt water taffy, a staple of most resort towns. These chewy, huckleberry flavored candies are an ideal choice to include at spring or summer showers, weddings, picnics, family reunions, or other special occasions such as holiday parties. You can give your friends and loved ones a delicious take-home gift by packaging these lovely purple taffy candies in an attractive favor bag or designer box and placing the pretty favors at each place setting during your event. If your festivities feature a similar purple color in the color scheme, these colorful, attractively wrapped taffy candies will be a great addition to carry the theme through every aspect of your party including your snacks!

SKU: ND-47604

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