Big Hunk Bars - 24ct Box

Big Hunk Bars - 24ct Box
  • $48.99

Taste buds swoon. Mouths drool. And people bat their eyelashes at these attractive candy bars. We're talking about our Big Hunk Candy Bars and we're sure you'll see what all the fuss is about the moment you try one!Packed with chewy nougat and peanuts, these candy bars are a real treat! If you want to add a classic and vintage candy to your stash, this would be a great choice for you. They also make great goodie bag stuffers, pinata additions, Halloween candy selections, and just to keep around the house to share with family and friends. Get ready for a delicious treat that can't be beat.

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: ND-7528

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