Grape Fruit Sours - Purple 5lb

  • $37.99

Grape flavored sour chewy candy balls. These tasty grape sour balls are a great treat for kids and adults. Why not try one today to see what you've been missing out on.

Usually no one likes sour grapes, but let us introduce you to the one exception: Purple Grape Fruit Sours Candy Balls! These little morsels of tart candy goodness will make you pucker and smile with their tangy taste and delicious soft candy chew.

Plus, their deep purple color makes them look like the real deal! If you love a sour treat with a chewy and sweet finish, then you'll love snacking on these amazing Purple Grape Fruit Sours Candy Balls! Bring some home to your friends and family to give them a treat whenever a sweet and sour tooth strikes. Even stock up on some of these for purple themed candy displays or to drop into cocktails that need an extra bit of sour and sweet oomph!

Fruit Sours are no longer made by Judson-Atkinson. Sweetworks.

SKU: ND-27329

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