Peppermint Altoids Mints - 12ct

Peppermint Altoids Mints - 12ct
  • $64.99
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Breath mints created a candy craze of sizzling proportions in candy history in the form of the Peppermint Altoids Mints.These powerful mints are so popular that many candies and gums have followed suit. These mints come in 1.76 ounce package of tins. These mints became popular among students and travelers who find these minty treats helpful in maintaining fresh breath.After all, it matters to those who you face how your breath smells. They are best chewed after a sumptuous meal and a hearty feast and you don't want your breath smelling like the food on the table. They are also great for stimulating your taste buds early in the morning.These mints are not only powerful, they also taste quite nice which makes it ideal for all candy mint lovers out there. The emergence of breath mints, the Peppermint Altoid Mints for that matter, has caused for other candies to surface but there is still no comparing to these leading powerful mints.

SKU: ND-955172

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