Blow Pops Assorted - 100ct Box

  • $24.99
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Blow Pops lollipops are a fun treat that kids absolutely love. Even adults can't resist the sweet, fruity taste of these hugely popular confections. Each includes a stick with a round orb of hard candy that contains a generous lump of delicious chewing gum inside.Eat the hard candy shell then extend the experience by chewing away at the gum hidden under it! Blow Pops are practically two treats in one convenient lollipop! Our bulk Blow Pops assortment includes all the standard flavors, like strawberry, grape and watermelon.The big box is a must-have when planning a birthday party, picnic or other event. Buy a bulk lollipop box so you can fill treat bags or give little ones a fun reward for participation in games and activities. Parents, teachers and group leaders can order a box or two so they always have a quick go-to snack for events. Charms Blow Pops also make great stocking stuffers and after school snacks.

SKU: 1022383

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