Blue Razz Blow Pops - 48ct Box

Blue Razz Blow Pops - 48ct Box
  • $21.99

Red raspberries are delicious, but blue raspberry is super fun. A real blue raspberry is as elusive as a Sasquatch, but everybody knows that a bright blue hue makes raspberry-flavored foods come alive with excitement.That's why you'll love these Blue Razz Blow Pops with their vibrant shade of blue! Each one comes with the delectable flavor you can't get enough of and will leave its mark on your tongue! Finishing the candy coating makes way for the gum center that will clean your teeth and breath after your sugary treat.In this case, you get a whole box of blue raspberry Blow Pops to keep the fun going! Save them all for yourself or pass them out at school events or parties. The box can even help you turn these bulk lollipops into a fundraiser for your school or organization. Whether you're giving them away or selling them, simply pop the top on this box and watch how people pounce on these treats.


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