Blue Candy Sticklettes Mini - 250ct

  • $25.99
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We have a candy that will really "stick it to your taste buds." that's because these Blue Candy Sticklettes are packed with a bright fruity flavor that will wow your mouth. With beautiful bright blue swirls complimented by pristine, white swirls, these pint-sized sweets are a perfect snack for any occasion.Have a baby showering coming up for the birth of a baby boy? Want to add a colorful stick to a tall glass of cold lemonade in the summer? Have little ones who need a delicious snack sized just for them? These amazing, delicious Blue Candy Sticklettes can do all that and more. Their hard candy crunch and sweet flavor make these candies the perfect treat to cure a sweet tooth. With 250 sticklettes per order, you'll be able to wow the taste buds of all of your friends and family, time after time.

SKU: 3023793

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