Boston Baked Beans - Jumbo-Size 5lb Bag

Boston Baked Beans - Jumbo-Size 5lb Bag
  • $31.99

This bulk supply of Boston Baked Beans Jumbo Size treats is sure to satisfy your snacking needs for a very long time. Even if you pour them in a candy dish at your next gathering with friends or your kid's birthday party, there should be plenty left over for your secret stash.If you are like most, the first time you were introduced to Boston Baked Beans you couldn't understand why anyone would want to snack on a bean. However, it only took tasting one to have you totally hooked. You prepared your taste buds for an odd treat, but what they got was a sweet, indulgent peanut with a candy coating.You get the taste of salt and sugar in each and every bite. As their name implies, these Jumbo Size Boston Baked Beans are significantly bigger than the regular ones, which means a more satisfying treat for you. These Boston Baked Beans Jumbo Size sweets are made by Sconza, a manufacturer known for its flawless execution of premium confections.

SKU: ND-30119

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