Assorted Bubble Gum Balls 1/4-Inch - 8500ct Case

Assorted Bubble Gum Balls 1/4-Inch - 8500ct Case
  • $109.99

It's gonna blow! Don't worry, we're just talking about the gigantic bubbles you'll be able to blow and pop with this huge selection of Assorted Bubble Gum Balls. In a rainbow of colors and fruity flavor these brightly colored gumballs are full of the famous chew and bubblegum taste people love.If you have an olde timey bubblegum machine that needs a refresher, want to give away a vintage inspired candy in a raffle, have a piñata that needs stuffing, are hosting a candy buffet bar party, or any other special event, these Assorted Bubble Gum Balls will keep you chewing and smiling for hours and hours.

SKU: ND-28961

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