Assorted Bubble Gum Balls .560-inch - 23.3lb Case

Assorted Bubble Gum Balls .560-inch - 23.3lb Case
  • $129.99

Made by the best in the business, these Dubble Bubble Assorted Bubble Gum Balls come in lots of bright, bold colors like purple, red, blue, yellow, and green, with a different fruity flavor for each one. They include citrus flavors such as orange, lemon, and grape just to name a few, and the colorful assortment looks great in any gumball machine.Bite into one and after the initial burst of fruity flavor and crunch of the yummy candy coating, you can enjoy chomping on the chewy gum and whiling the time away blowing lots of big bubbles. A great candy to have on hand at kids' birthday parties, these assorted gum balls also look festive when placed in bowls around the party room or poured into clear goody bags and given as favors at the end of your festivity. Kids will love trying each different color and flavor to discover their favorite and will work hard to see who can blow the biggest bubble and whose bubble makes the loudest pop!

SKU: ND-CC1058

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