Cadbury Almond Bars - 14ct

  • $41.99

Are you in the mood for something sweet, but you're also craving something salty? Maybe your brain is telling you that you need protein, but your heart just wants decadent chocolate.Well, you shouldn't be forced to choose, and thanks to Cadbury Almond Bars, you don't have to! Cadbury Almond Bars boast hearty, roasted fresh almonds that are smothered in creamy milk chocolate, thereby awarding you with sweet and salty elements in every single bite! Cadbury is owned by Mondelez Internationally, the world's second largest confectionary brand, so you know these are high-quality treats.Each one of these Cadbury Almond Bars is individually packaged and perfect for stocking stuffers or to give to someone to brighten their day. Of course, you can keep them all for your secret candy stash on the top shelf of your closet, too!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 1023620

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