Caramel Apple Pops - 48ct Display

  • $22.99

Bob for 'em. Cook with em'. Pick 'em on a warm autumn's day. There are a lot of things that you can do with an apple. However, we think we've found the best use of all: Caramel Apple Pops!These amazing green apple lollipops coated in chewy, soft caramel and have been pleasing candy and fruit lovers for years. Do you have a Halloween or fall party coming up that you need a delicious candy for? Have a friend who is in love with autumn and all it's delicious confections? Just want to try an amazing caramel apple inspired treat at any time of the year? These amazingly delicious lollipops can do that all and more. With 48 Caramel Apple Pops in every package, you'll be able to enjoy a taste of the fall for many snack times to come! Please your family when you bring some home today.

SKU: ND-1653

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