Chocolate Tennis Balls - 5lb Bag

  • $130.99

Chocolate tennis balls are a sporty snack for any occasion. Many people love the satiny, sweet taste of milk chocolate. Our candy balls include a solid orb of chocolate with a smooth surface that's extremely enticing. Each ball is bite-sized so you get a generous portion of confection without unwrapping a full candy bar!We also carry other chocolate ball styles so you can create a custom mix just for your event. Our bulk chocolate tennis balls include a thin foil wrapper that recreates the look of a yellow tennis ball, right down to the white rubber bands that wind across the surface.The foil wrapper provides a pleasant shine that replaces the fuzzy texture usually found on a tennis ball. Peel away the wrapper to enjoy the fresh taste of rich chocolate! Our bulk chocolate balls are perfect for candy dishes, treat bags and wedding favors. Use them to fill the office candy jar or keep them at home as a quick snack based on your favorite sport!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: ND-28924

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