Gold American Eagle Chocolate Foil Coins - 5lb

Gold American Eagle Chocolate Foil Coins - 5lb
  • $219.99

What sets the Gold American Eagle Chocolate Foil Coins apart from all the other chocolate foil coins is the American eagle crest engraved on one side and John F. Kennedy's bust on the other.Measuring 1.5 inches in diameter and 1/8 inch thick, the coins resemble the US half dollars. The Gold American Eagle Chocolate Foil Coins are made by the famed RM Palmer Company- the maker of the world's finest and holiday-oriented chocolates and candies.You will feel patriotic while eating these chocolate coins because its golden foil wrapping is engraved with the national bird of the United States which is the American Eagle on one side.These coins also commemorate the life of John F. Kennedy and his legend by engraving his bust on the other side of the coin. These chocolate coins are great for national celebrations and holidays such as Independence Day, Veterans' Day and Thanksgiving celebrations.

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SKU: ND-28928

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