Silver Chocolate Coins Plain - 5lb Bag

  • $124.99
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Lighten up the mood around you with the Plain Silver Chocolate Coins. These silver foil-wrapped chocolate goodies are great for special occasions like weddings and wedding anniversaries, wedding announcements, bridal showers and engagement parties.Because the color silver stands for mystery, emotions, energy, determination and responsibility, women and men alike adore these chocolate candy treats in silver foil wrapping. Each coin has a diameter of 1.5 inches and a thickness of only 1/8 inch.These coins are a must-have treat for chocolate fans. Hand these beauties out to party guests and they will surely get a hint of the hosts' dignity and self-control. But no matter what the color stands for, one thing will surely be clear when you give these to your guests- its tastiness.Inside the silver foil covering is the tasty and sweet milk chocolate that everyone will love. They are also great for commending a person for being promoted at work.

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3021527

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