Vanilla Chocolate Caramel Candy - 4.4lb Bulk

Vanilla Chocolate Caramel Candy - 4.4lb Bulk
  • $43.99
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Caramel is a luscious and versatile flavor that complements both chocolate and vanilla, so Lonka decided to throw all three of these flavors together at the same time for a heavenly combination that will satisfy even the strongest cravings.The different flavors are swirled together in this Vanilla Chocolate Caramel candy for a combination you can see. The clear wrappers make these gorgeous treats visible, tempting you into giving one a try. You'll be glad when you do! Don't keep these delectable treats all to yourself!These are good enough to share with the world. By ordering in bulk, you'll have enough to pass out to your child's class and your co-workers. The appearance of each candy is elegant enough that you can also put them on display at a wedding, dinner party or other elegant event. These amazing candies will always be eaten up, whether you enjoy them yourself or share them with guests!

SKU: C101193

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