Gimbals Sour Cherry Jelly Beans - 10lb

  • $63.99

There's just something about the mix of sweet and sour that causes a taste bud sensation! You get that amazing contradiction when you snack on these Gourmet Gimbals Jelly Beans in Sour Cherry flavor.The flavor adds the sour, while the candy jelly bean adds the sweet. These treats give you the chewiness you love in a jelly bean in a gourmet version that you can serve at a sophisticated event, although they're perfect for everyday snacking and kid's events too!The vibrant red of these beans makes them a nice Valentine's Day treat, wedding favor to represent love or party favor when you have a red theme. Nonetheless, you can serve these colorful and tasty treats at any event, including a birthday party, a simple get-together with friends or a backyard barbeque. Let their amazing flavor shine or serve them with other delicious gourmet flavors.

SKU: C702294

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