Good & Plenty - Movie-Size 12ct

Good & Plenty - Movie-Size 12ct
  • $32.99
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If you are a fan of black licorice then there is a good chance that you are already highly addicted to Good & Plenty candy.In this case, you are probably jumping up and down over the great price on these movie size boxes, especially if you have actually priced them in the theater lately. If you are not familiar with Good & Plenty, but love licorice, prepare for your world to be changed forever.These small cylinders of sweet black licorice are given a hard pink or white candy shell, and they are nearly impossible to stop eating once you start.Sadly, the regular size packages are just never enough, which is why we are offering these Good & Plenty movie size boxes. They look lovely dumped out in a candy dish for a wedding, baby shower, or Valentine's Day party.

SKU: ND-11220

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