Concord Grape Gummi Bears - 5lb

Concord Grape Gummi Bears - 5lb
  • $16.99

Sonoma Valley can have their wine grapes, because we have something better: Concord Grape Gummi Bears! Stomp these into oblivion with your teeth as you chow down on their luscious grape flavor and coveted, chewy gummy texture. In a vibrant, deep purple, your eyes will bug out as the beautiful bears march closer to your mouth.Have a friend who is obsessed with purple and gummy candy? Want to surprise your little ones with a purple and delicious surprise? Have a purple themed party coming up that you need a delicious candy for? Look no further. These Concord Grape Gummi bears are de-vine and will have you chomping on delicious grape flavor for hours. They also work well as cocktail or virgin drink garnishes and packed away in a lunchbox! With this five pound bag packed with over 145 bears per pound, you can snack until your heart is content!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3000990

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