Gummi Sea Critters - 60ct Display Box

Gummi Sea Critters - 60ct Display Box
  • $15.99

A beach-themed party is not complete without these Gummi Sea Critters. Kids won't be able to stop giggling over them and adults will literally feel like a kid again, as they nibble away at these fruity flavored treats.They make fun decorations for cupcakes or a birthday cake, too. These Gummi Sea Critters feature a rainbow of colors, including blue, green, pink, orange, purple, and yellow. This bulk supply includes the most charming marine life creatures, such as crabs, turtles, seahorses, and octopi. They are soft, chewy, and fun to eat.Each one is about 2 inches, so they are the perfect snack size. These are also great to hand out at Halloween, stuff in Christmas stockings, or pack in lunch boxes for a special treat.

SKU: ND-11156

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