Vidal Gummy Gummies - 2.2lb

  • $21.99

These creepy, crawly, leggy, and somewhat terrifying insects may make the hair on your arms stand up in real life, but you will feel a little different about these Haribo Centipedes Gummies.They may even become one of your favorite candies. They are strangely cool in a peculiar sort of way.You might assume these will be just like eating gummi worms, but they are quite different. While they have the same soft, chewy, texture, all those legs make them feel a little strange in your mouth.They are a little gruesome, but totally fun and delicious. The colors are exciting, and they are super flavorful. They travel well, so they are perfect for the car, and they will be a great addition to the candy buffet at your next Halloween party.

SKU: ND-35742

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