Haribo Black Licorice Wheels - 5lb

  • $20.99
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If you are a fan of licorice, these Haribo Black Licorice Wheels are a must-have for your next party or event. The black gummy licorice wheels are a fun party favor to give out at children's birthday parties or other fun occasions and events such as holidays.Their intense licorice flavor is addicting as well as their satisfying chewiness. You and your guests are sure to love these sensational candies the minute you bite into them. Place these Haribo Black Licorice Wheels on your candy buffet table or alongside your other dessert choices, or give these licorice wheels to each guest as a take-home treat. You can also include these at a Halloween party as part of a black and orange color-theme, or slip them into the bags of everyone who comes trick or treating to give them a special surprise when they discover these unique licorice candies at the end of the night.

SKU: C101425

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