Assorted Jelly Belly - 10lb Jelly Beans

  • $86.99
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There is an endless choice of flavorful jelly beans in a bag of Assorted Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. You are sure to get all the great forty-nine official jelly bean flavors from one ten-pound box.These are ideal for special events such as wedding receptions, birthday parties and Halloween trick-or- treat. The candies are contained in a bulk made of a food grade cardboard box that has no inner lining. This is so to maintain the freshness of the candies by avoiding the effects of humidity.These candies are even perfect to fill small candy bags that are handed out to party-goers. No matter what flavor you love, there is no telling you won't eat up all the jelly beans in one bag.You won't be able to pick a favorite because every one of them is equally delicious. It is a mix of super delicious and exciting jelly beans that will wake your senses up. This assortment of jelly beans is a must-have.

SKU: ND-G52780

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