Tutti Fruiti Jelly Belly - 10lb Jelly Beans

  • $89.99
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The party can start once these wild and crazy candies arrive! Tutti Fruiti Jelly Belly jelly beans are the perfect party companion with their burst-in-your-mouth flavor and their colorful confetti style. These jelly beans have a fruity taste everyone will love that's similar to chewing on a yummy cup of punch. With Jelly Belly, you always know you're getting a high-quality gourmet jelly bean with just the right balance of hard and soft texture for your chewing pleasure. Bring these fruity and delicious jelly beans to every party, whether your guest list includes kids or adults. Great for decorating cupcakes or eating on their own, these candies make an everyday event more exciting. Fill a jar as part of a candy station or pre-fill bags or boxes for guests to take home. Don't forget to add some to your Easter baskets! For any time of year and occasion, but especially birthdays, these jelly beans will make the day pop like a confetti explosion!

SKU: ND-G52898

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