Wild Blackberry Jelly Belly - 10lb Jelly Beans

  • $89.99
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Jelly Belly jelly beans are delicious, especially if you love berries! Our wild blackberry jelly beans are full of intense flavor. This charming little bean shaped candy is a perfect choice for any occasion.Our single-flavor jelly beans are the easiest way to get the exact flavor and color you want for events and more. Match your beans to the theme of an event or make sure your candy matches the decor at weddings, showers and much more!Bulk Jelly Belly jelly beans are the most affordable way to get large quantities for big crowds. You can also keep them at home as a quick snack that features your favorite flavors so you never have to pick through an assortment. Our wild blackberry jelly beans feature a deep, luxurious black-purple color with the famous white Jelly Belly logo stamped on the front. You know you're getting a quality candy when you buy Jelly Belly!

SKU: ND-28556

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