White Jordan Almonds - 7lb

White Jordan Almonds - 7lb
  • $59.99

The sweetness and bitterness in marriage is encased in these gorgeous Jelly Belly White Jordan Almonds. But of course, the sweetness should remain stronger.These delightful candies are a great wedding treats for they give a traditional touch to every wedding feast. They are elegant, polished and shiny. These Jordan Almonds are plump and white in color, making it the best candies fit for wedding arrangements.The almonds are coated with crunchy sweet shells that come in bulk bags. Almond-lovers have now found the ultimate gourmet almond-flavored candies. Its white color signifies purity, which makes it more fit for a wedding reception. But you don't need the excuse of a wedding to eat these delicacies.You can eat these everyday even without the I Dos and the wedding singers. There is always a constant craving among candy aficionados out there. Because their love for the sweets is insatiable, this treat is just right for them.

SKU: ND-731

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