Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix - 12ct Bags

Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix - 12ct Bags
  • $69.86
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Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix has a bunch of different shapes and flavors to keep your taste buds titillated. In red, white, and black licorice chews, these tiny discs, twists, and other candy shapes will keep your mouth coming back for more. If you love licorice, then this Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix is the candy for you. You can give the bags of this Jelly Belly Licorice Bridge Mix out to friends and family in gift baskets or stockings, open them up and put the contents into candy dishes, or just keep them tucked away in the pantry for when you need something sweet, chewy, and yummy!

SKU: 1024030

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