Jelly Belly Prehistoric Eggs - 24ct

Jelly Belly Prehistoric Eggs - 24ct
  • $39.99
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Let your children have a taste of the prehistoric ages by letting them have a bite of the Jelly Belly Prehistoric Eggs. They are made of milk chocolate and surrounded by a crunchy candy shell.A delicious orange fruit snack in a shape of a dinosaur is inside the candy which makes it more fun and surprising to children. They will give your kids great and tasty prehistoric science lessons they will never forget.These eggs are great for Easter celebration. There are four possible dinosaur shapes inside these candy treats that both parents and children will love. Each egg is approximately 2 inches long and weighs around 1.4 ounces.They are even good for daily snacking for those who love paleontology. These irresistible candy treats are fun and educational making it suitable even for school snacks. Indulge in these prehistoric treats and have a bit of a taste of history from a different perspective.

SKU: C100211

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