Salted Licorice Buttons - 2.2lb

Salted Licorice Buttons - 2.2lb
  • $16.99

Salty and sweet. These Salted Licorice Buttons come with the delicious contrasting flavor combo that people know and love. Plus, with their chewy texture and matte black coloring, they're absolutely to die for when it comes to look and chew.Bring some of these Salted Licorice Buttons home and wow your friends and family with your good taste. Stock up for Halloween and pair some of these Salted Licorice Buttons with orange and other black candies for a spooky and yummy look. Even use some of these Salted Licorice Buttons at a black tie affair to enhance the sophistication and flavor of the evening. These little buttons are cute as a button and super tasty too.

SKU: 3025822

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