Salted Licorice Diamonds - 2.2lb

  • $15.99

You may think you like black licorice, based on generic candy you have bought in the store, but if you have never eaten authentic Dutch licorice, your taste buds have no idea what a special treat this candy really is.These Salted Licorice Diamonds are manufactured by Kraepelien-Holm, a licorice factory that dates back to 1876, and is known for its assortment of traditional pieces. In case you are wondering, the word "Zout" on these treats translates to the word "salt."Yes, traditional licorice is supposed to have a salty flavor, which makes them taste absolutely amazing. These Salted Licorice Diamonds are the perfect texture to suck on to savor every bit of flavor, but they are also soft enough to chew. The diamond shape adds a nice elegance to a candy bowl. Serve them alone for black tie events or mix them with orange candies at Halloween for a festive display.

SKU: 3022413

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