Fruit Lollipops - Bulk 5lb

  • $16.99

These particular candies are real "suckers!" We don't think this will insult them though because that's exactly what these Fruit Lollipop Suckers are! Individually wrapped in red, orange, yellow, green, and purple with flavors including Cherry, Orange, Lemon, Lime, and Grape, every buyer can look forward to a cheerful bright candy that's as pretty to look at as it is delicious to eat! On a bright white stick, these lollipops are a beautiful contrast that will please ever snacker.Add a handful of these to a birthday girl of boy's piñata to make reaping the spoils all the more exciting. Bring some to a fundraising event to set out on the table and treat loyal donors. Even keep these around the house to award your family when they've done a good deed. No matter how you use your imagination, we're sure you'll love snacking on these tasty pops. With 60 lollipops per pound and 300 pieces per bag, you'll have enough candy to do it all.

SKU: 3021684

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