Green M&M's - Milk Chocolate 10lb

  • $136.99

Eat to many of these delicious bite sized chocolates and you might just turn green! That's because these Green M&Ms candies have such a vibrant color and addictive chocolatey crunch, that you might not be able to stop yourself. M&Ms have been manufacturing their amazing chocolate candies since 1941 and has grown from a US born company to a worldwide sensation that millions of people love.You can bring home a five pound bulk bag of these Green M&Ms to enjoy in a number of ways that will make you and your friends and family smile. Having a Christmas party that you need a dose of green, delicious chocolate for? Want to make a springtime candy basket or add a bright pop of green to an Easter basket to reflect the blossoming plants outside? Just love the color green as well as M&Ms chocolate? Then these candies will be perfect for you!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: ND-10466

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