Mini M&M's Tubes - Milk Chocolate 24ct

Mini M&M's Tubes - Milk Chocolate 24ct
  • $53.99

Milk Chocolate Mini M&M's Tubes are handy little containers that you can pop open and shake into your mouth! The candies inside are your classic, hard-shelled chocolates that M&Ms is famous for except a whole lot smaller. In different colored tubes, you can even make sure to bring everyone's favorite color home.Make any party even more exciting when you pack some Milk Chocolate Mini M&M's Tubes into goodie bags to dole out to party guests. Everyone will love shaking the containers and finding the delicious little M&Ms inside. You can also order Milk Chocolate Mini M&M's Tubes to use as tasty stocking stuffers and then reuse the containers once the M&Ms have been eaten to store other goods.

SKU: 1026541

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