Yellow Peeps Marsmallow Chicks 10-pc - 36ct Boxes

Yellow Peeps Marsmallow Chicks 10-pc - 36ct Boxes
  • $29.99

Marshmallow Peeps are such an iconic Easter candy. With their bright yellow coloring, chick-shaped marshmallow candy, and sugar-coated exterior, they're adorable and delicious!Order a bulk supply of Marshmallow Peeps and you'll be able to set up thematic centerpieces on your Easter table, stuff Easter eggs with one or two of these adorable little chicks, or wrap a package up for every Easter basket you're in charge of making. These Marshmallow Peeps have been around for years and are the perfect addition to any Easter holiday celebration. You'll certainly hear more than a peep when your friends and family unwrap a box of these Marshmallow Peeps this holiday!

SKU: E285

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