Chocolate Mint Lentils - 10lb

  • $122.99

Just the sight of these pretty Chocolate Mint Lentils probably has you already picturing them in various candy dishes for special gatherings with friends and family.The lovely pastel shades of pink, green, and purple make them a popular pick for weddings, baby showers, Easter gatherings, and birthday parties. Quite honestly, it is hard to picture them not fitting in on any candy buffet or table.Although these Chocolate Mint Lentils create a lovely display on a table, it is the intense mint chocolate flavor that will have hands returning to the candy dish over-and-over. These chocolate discs are lentil-shaped, and given a divine candy coating that you will not be able to resist.So, although there is plenty in this bulk order for any event you are planning make sure you save some for your candy dish at home, as well!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: ND-743

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