Mocha Coffee Lentils Candy - 5lb

  • $43.99

The flavor you experience when you toss some of these Mocha Coffee Lentils in your mouth is the exquisite combination of chocolate and coffee. If you enjoy a mocha latte, you'll love these little candies.Each lentil is made with bold dark chocolate to complement the deep coffee flavor and covered with a candy coating that makes them look more appealing, prevents them from melting as you hold them and gives you a satisfying crunch as you bite down.This flavor comes in a combination of light and dark brown to resemble coffee and chocolate. These candies make perfect favors when you stuff them into decorated bags or boxes for an event. Choose them for a wedding, a coffee tasting event or a fancy dinner party. Any time coffee fits your event, these delicious candies will as well.

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3029048

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