Rainbow Nerds Ropes - 24ct

  • $49.99

When a party demands fun candy, Rainbow Nerds Ropes should be right at the top of the list. This is a classic candy with a modern twist.Children can't help but giggle the whole time they eat them and adults feel like kids again as their taste buds are delighted with a sweet and tangy fruity flavor. Plus, Rainbow Nerds Ropes are stretchy, and any time you can play with your candy it becomes even more exciting. Nerds are made of sugar crystals that are formed into irregular-shaped pieces and given a candy coating. In 1985, the National Candy Wholesalers Association named Nerds "Candy of the Year."Rainbow Nerds Ropes are a bunch of Nerds attached to a gummy string. It does not matter if you are hosting a party for kids or adults; these unique treats are sure to be a hit with guests of all ages.

SKU: ND-5604

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