Cinnamon Old-Fashioned Sticks - 80ct

Cinnamon Old-Fashioned Sticks - 80ct
  • $28.99

You can't go wrong with Cinnamon Old-Fashioned Sticks. Whether you are feeling a little nostalgic and longing for treats you once loved when you were young or you are looking for a long-lasting hard candy to curb sweet cravings or help you kick the habit, they've got your back.These red swirl sticks boast a sweet and spicy flavor that remains strong until the very end, and considering they are over 5 inches long, they last a really time. Cinnamon Old Fashioned Sticks are individually wrapped so they are perfect to tape on cards and gifts and Christmas or to hand out on Valentine's Day.Use them to create candy bouquets for a wedding or unwrap them to stick in the center of cupcakes. They can be a nice addition to a cocktail. Give them to the kids next time you watch a movie, and you won't hear a peep for the entire time. They can also be a nice complement to your road trip. They are kosher-certified and absolutely delicious.

SKU: ND-2909

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