Lemon Lime Old-Fashioned Sticks - 80ct

  • $16.99

What did the lemon say to the lime? "Sour you doing?" We'll take a brief pause for laughter¦ Anywho, these Lemon Lime Old Fashioned Sticks will make you smile every time you take a lick or bite!That's because every stick comes with a tart and tangy lemon and lime burst of flavor and in bright, beautiful yellow and green colored swirls. If you're having a party and want to add a pretty and delicious treat to the dessert table, these are a great choice for you! They also make amazing lemonade or limeade stirrers or crushed on top of lemon bars or any other citrus baked goods!

NOTICE: Candy sticks are extremely fragile. Since we have little control over shipment once it leaves our warehouse, we will not guarantee that this product will arrive completely unbroken. During the course of shipment, some or a lot of sticks can break. We package them as well as possible to minimize shock and breakage, however, our policy is that we will not be held responible for broken candy, no matter how many end up broken. before you place your order, please take this into consideration.

SKU: 1022200

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