Orange Old-Fashioned Sticks - 80ct

  • $28.99

These delicious Old-Fashioned Orange Sticks will bring to mind the corner dollar store and their counter tops filled with glass jars of these sweet and fruity hard candies. The bold orange color and juicy citrus flavor of these crunchy sticks makes for a sensational display when added to the decor at a birthday party, bridal or baby shower, or many other special events.Put a few glass jars of these orange sticks on the table at your next Halloween party for the perfect color-themed snack, or throw them in Easter baskets for a pretty, tasty springtime treat. These old-fashioned orange sticks are also an ideal choice when planning sporting events or school activities where the teams or schools feature orange as one of their main colors. You'll show some definite spirit with this tasty addition to the festivities. Their refreshing long-lasting orange flavor will keep everybody coming back for more.

NOTICE: Candy sticks are extremely fragile. Since we have little control over shipment once it leaves our warehouse, we will not guarantee that this product will arrive completely unbroken. During the course of shipment, some or a lot of sticks can break. We package them as well as possible to minimize shock and breakage, however, our policy is that we will not be held responible for broken candy, no matter how many end up broken. before you place your order, please take this into consideration.

SKU: ND-2913

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