Wintergreen Old-Fashioned Sticks - 80ct

  • $16.99

Sometimes, your taste buds just need something different than chocolate or fruit-flavored candies. Wintergreen Old-Fashioned Sticks are a breath of fresh air. These hard candies have a cool wintergreen flavor from start to finish.You can break the stick into small bite-sized pieces to suck on at work to keep your breath fresh, too. These Wintergreen Candy Sticks are individually wrapped, so they are ideal to display in a glass jar or tape on top of holiday gifts and cards.One bright green stripe swirls around the stick, making them a festive treat for Christmas and St. Patrick's Day. When you have friends over for hot cocoa, use these as stir sticks. Wintergreen Candy Sticks are certified kosher and gluten-free. They also happen to be fat-free, and one stick is only 60 calories, so this is a guilt-free treat you can enjoy any time.

NOTICE: Candy sticks are extremely fragile. Since we have little control over shipment once it leaves our warehouse, we will not guarantee that this product will arrive completely unbroken. During the course of shipment, some or a lot of sticks can break. We package them as well as possible to minimize shock and breakage, however, our policy is that we will not be held responible for broken candy, no matter how many end up broken. before you place your order, please take this into consideration.

SKU: 1022216

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