Red Jelly Beans - 2lb

  • $13.99
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These bright red jelly beans are the perfect treat for a Valentine's day celebration. The vibrantly colored jelly beans make a great decoration when used to fill glass bowls or vases and placed strategically around your room, or as a centerpiece at each table.You can scoop some into decorative favor bags and tie them with a pretty red ribbon to offer your guests a scrumptious little take-home treat. These vivid red jelly beans would also pair perfectly with green jelly beans for a Christmas party, or they are ideal for color-themed occasions that feature red as a key color, including school functions or sporting events where red is one of the team colors. These red jelly beans are sweet and chewy and their bold colorful appearance will make heads turn. Of course, these are always a lovely candy to have on hand for individual consumption as well, so be sure to save some to enjoy even after your event has passed.

SKU: 12715

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