IBC Root Beer Float Barrels - 5lb

IBC Root Beer Float Barrels - 5lb
  • $46.99

IBC Root Beer Float Barrels are one of those rare candies loved by people of all ages. Nearly everyone has had a couple scoops of ice-cream in a frosted mug full of root beer.It doesn't matter if you indulge in one at home or in a soda shop, it is equally as delicious. Sadly, you probably get about halfway through, and you can't help but obsess over the calories. Not to mention, if you have a child eating one you already know you may be dealing with a tummy ache later.IBC Root Beer Float Barrels are a perfect alternative.If you love the distinct taste of root beer and the sweet creaminess of ice-cream, then IBC Root Beer Float Barrels are sure to become your secret obsession.Fortunately, one is only 50 calories and fat-free, so there is no guilt. These IBC Root Beer Float Barrels are individually wrapped, so they are perfect for candy dishes, pi–atas, and Halloween bowls.

SKU: ND-29032

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